What is Soft Tissue Therapy?
There are two types of tissue in our body; soft tissues and hard tissues.
Hard tissues consist of bones and soft tissues consist of muscles, connective tissue/fascia, tendons, ligaments, and joints. The manipulation of the soft tissues of the body is known as Soft Tissue Therapy. A soft tissue therapist helps in reducing pain, improving range of movements, and enhancing your performance.
Do you diagnose?
I don't diagnose as such, not like a medical practitioner would. I will however during your treatment, assess your movement, posture and the soft tissues of the body to understand what is going on with the muscular system and then help prevent and manage your dysfunction, injury, pain or physical disorders.
Is massage OK for me?
For the vast majority, yes massage therapy is a completely safe treatment option. However, for a few there are some contra-indications
Acute inflammation
Open wounds
Bone fractures
Joint dislocations
Deep vein thrombosis
Varicose veins
Bleeding disorders
Contagious infections
Unstable hypertension/hypotension
Cardio-vascular conditions
These are just a few, please contact me to discuss any conditions before booking an appointment.
What type of massage do you do?
Treatments range from Relaxation massages to Remedial massage. The type of massage depends on your condition, dysfunction and pain symptoms. I incorporate many massage techniques and styles into my treatments:
Effleurage & petrissage
Deep friction
Soft tissue release
Muscle Energy Techniques
Neuromuscular Techniques
Positional Release techniques
Myofascial release techniques
Will the massage be painful?
This all depends why you are coming for treatment. If you are looking for a relaxing, distressing massage then no, it shouldn’t be painful. If on the other hand you are coming in with a dysfunction, pain or injury then yes, massage therapy can be a little painful, however there is distinctions with good pain and bad pain. The “good hurt” is what is known as therapeutic pain. The “bad hurt” is injurious pain.
The notion of “no pain, no gain” is very out dated and doesn’t apply to massage.
If you're experiencing aches and pains then soft tissue therapy or deep tissue massage techniques might be a little painful as this is an indication that the tissue being massaged isn’t 100% healthy.
Many clients believe the more pressure and pain they can tolerate during a massage the better the outcome will be: this isn't true! It's important that the pressure and any discomfort you might feel during a massage also feels satisfying.
It's really important you tell me if you're feeling any pain during the session. It's easy for me to adjust how I'm working and in the long-term you'll get better results. Remember, massage therapy is about making you feel better, not worse.
How often should I have a massage?
Several factors dictate the frequency with which massages should be undertaken, such as training volume and intensity, whether you have chronic pain or acute injury, and other factors.
If you're experiencing low-grade nagging aches and pains, one massage might be all you need to feel better. If on the other hand, if you're trying to combat a chronic or more severe issue, you may find a series of massage treatments is required to get you back on track.
During your treatment, I will be able to offer you a more personalised answer after assessing you.
How long does a massage last?
I currently offer 30 minute and 50 minute appointments.
With a 30-minute appointment you can expect roughly 20 to 25 minutes of time on the table. These are ideal for those that have been treated by myself already and just need a few corrective manipulations or those that want just one area worked on e.g. legs, arms, back or neck
With a 50 minute appointment, you can expect 40 to 45 minutes of time on the tale. Ideal for new patients and those needing a little more attention.
I can/will sometimes suggest splitting the 50 minute appointment into 25 minute massage and 25 minute exercise and prehab work in the gym to go through corrective and functional exercises to strengthen the muscular system and prevent reoccurring injuries.
How much does a massage cost?
Please see our fees here
What should I wear for a massage?
It is important to me that you feel comfortable during your massage. With this in mind, come to the massage dressed as you normally would be and dress down to your own, personal comfort level. Areas that are not being worked on, will be covered up using towels. I can work around whatever you decide. I can treat fully clothed however this may limit the techniques I can offer.
For women, I suggest that a two-piece style swimming costume or underwear works best.
For men, loose fitting boxers are best.
What Should I do after the treatment?
After your massage, finding some time to relax can be very beneficial. It is important to keep hydrated after a massage. To take full advantage try to avoid the following for 24hrs:
Strenuous activity
Caffeine, alcohol and cigarettes
Long drives
Heavy meals
You may experience a few reactions after your treatment such as aching, soreness within the muscles, tiredness, heightened emotions, dizziness or nausea. This is all perfectly natural and temporary and can last up to 48hrs. It’s the body readjusting and rebalancing.