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Powerfully simple
soft-tissue tools. 


Welcome to the future of IASTM. RockBlades are comprised of three precision-engineered and manufactured soft-tissue instruments: a “Mallet” a “Mullet,” and a "Mohawk."


Every detail of RockBlades – each edge, angle and contour – was carefully cultivated and refined over the course of two years to create the best tools equipped to treat any body part. 

RockDoc @ Jason James Therapy

Meet the Family

The Mallet.png
The Mullet.png

The Mallet

The Mohawk

The Mullet

The Powerhouse.

This tool knows how to party.

The All Rounder.

How do RockBlades Work?

Graston Technique is a form of manual therapy known as soft-tissue instrument-assisted mobilisation (IASTM). It is one of a number of manual therapy approaches that uses instruments with a specialised form of massage/scraping the skin gently. The therapy is designed to help identify areas of restriction and attempt to break up scar tissue.



The general goals of the therapy are to reduce the patient's pain and increase function through a combination of:


  • Breaking down the scar tissue and fascia restrictions that are usually associated with some form of trauma to the soft tissue (e.g. a strained muscle or a pulled ligament, tendon, or fascia).

  • Reducing restrictions by stretching connective tissue in an attempt to rearrange the structure of the soft tissue being treated (e.g. muscle, fascia, tendons, ligaments).

  • Promoting a better healing environment for the injured soft tissue.


There also appears to be a neurologic benefit to treating patients with the Graston Technique Instruments. This response is similar to that involved with other manual therapies. The literature suggests that when a patient is given manual or instrument assisted soft tissue mobilisation (IASTM) therapy, certain nerve fibers are activated. Additionally, the body's position sense organs, such as mechanoreceptors and proprioceptors, seem to respond to these forms of treatment.


The tools may be hard-edged, but the techniques don’t need to be aggressive to deliver superior outcomes.

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